Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.
Jhansi Chapter at Penn State
Celebrating all Cultures
Our founding mothers saw the need for a sorority that crossed the societal boundaries of race, religion, culture, and class. While other Greek organizations are and continue to grow more diverse, our organization's foundation is based on diversity and our sisters embrace multicultural ideals and interests; we speak to use our sorority as a vehicle to educate the surrounding campus and community on issues of diversity.​ We recognize that diversity is not limited to race and we are proud to say we have achieved a sisterhood which is quite diverse with respect to not only race, but religious heritage, geographic origin, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, nationality, political ideology, as well as choice of major and career. Ultimately, multiculturalism is the belief that there is inherent value in discovering, understanding, and appreciating all the ways in which people are different from each other. It is for this reason that we differentiate ourselves, in name and in purpose, from Greek organizations with the word “Multicultural”.

R.A.C.E. (Recognizing and Celebrating Ethnicities)
RACE was established at Rutgers University’s New Brunswick, NJ Campus in 1994 as a forum through ​which cultural diversity could be highlighted and showcased in a new and exciting way. Through R.A.C.E., both the multicultural nature of our organization, as well as that of the community around us, is demonstrated.​ From dance to song, music to the spoken word, R.A.C.E. has become Mu Sigma Upsilon’s signature event, the ultimate educational experience and a true artistic celebration of differences that ultimately brings us all closer together. For almost 20 years, this event has upheld our multicultural tradition while promoting diversity and a deeper understanding of cultures, as well as challenging stereotypes throughout the university and community.