Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.
Jhansi Chapter at Penn State

Academic Excellence. Unity Amongst All Women. University and Community Service.
The Sorority
"MSU didn't make me feel
like I had to choose..."
I chose Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. because I am an only child and the aspect of sisterhood really drew me in. As an interest, I saw how close the sisters were despite their differences and it was all genuine. I also chose this organization because of its multicultural basis. As an Afro-Latina (Black and Puerto Rican), I've been in situations in which I had to choose between identifying as either Black or Puerto Rican. MSU didn't make me feel like I had to choose, they appreciated me for who I am. My sisterhood has given me the siblings I always wished I had and allows me to be myself.

Quenell Redden
Initiated Fall 2018
The Sisterhood
"I wanted a sisterhood and that's exactly what I got."
I chose the life of a Mu because I love everything this Sorority stands for. From Diversity, to Academics, working in the community, making connections and uniting women and having that sisterhood bond. Through the orientation process I learned about myself, my strengths, my weaknesses and I grew and became a better me. I wanted a sisterhood and that's exactly what I got. No matter what, at the end of the day I know I have my sisters. Joining the Mu life has made me a better person, a better woman, a better Janelle.

Janelle Miller
Initiated Spring 2015
The Organization
"We are sisters for life..."
I wanted to join an organization that embraced diversity, brought together women with different viewpoints, heritage and made us stronger as a whole. I have the fondest memories of my line sisters and our time together at Penn State. We are sisters for life and over the years have celebrated and cried together.

Ami Shah
Founding Sister Fall 1996