Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.
Jhansi Chapter at Penn State
The Jhansi Chapter
at the Pennsylvania State University
Since its founding, Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Incorporated established chapters all throughout New Jersey during the 1980s and early 1990s. Word of the sisterhood founded on diversity quickly travelled and in 1996, seven fiery ladies at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park sought ​to establish the first out of state chapter, bringing multiculturalism and sophistication to the state of Pennsylvania and to Penn State's Main Campus. On November 10, 1996 these seven fierce ladies founded the Jhansi Chapter of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. bringing the first multicultural sorority in the nation to Penn State as the first multicultural Greek letter organization on campus. The Jhansi Chapter prides itself for being comprised of strong, sophisticated, professional women with roots in over 15 different nations all around the world. Our founding sisters remain involved with our sisterhood. A majority of them live and work in the D.C. area. To this day, they remain sisters at heart and travel the world together.